Alena Akhmadullina
Согласно прогнозам фэшн-аналитиков, в обувном сегменте на ближайшее десятилетие лидерство сохранят кроссовки. Это будет происходить из-за возрастающего интереса к активному образу жизни, увеличению количества спортивных мероприятий и разработке новых дизайнов. А у вас сколько пар кроссовок в гардеробе?
According to fashion analytics, sport shoes will keep its leadership for nearest 10 years. The reasons are the increasing interest for the active lifestyle, a lot of sport events and the development of new designs. How many sport shoes do you have in your wardrobe?
Wearing #akhmadullina
According to fashion analytics, sport shoes will keep its leadership for nearest 10 years. The reasons are the increasing interest for the active lifestyle, a lot of sport events and the development of new designs. How many sport shoes do you have in your wardrobe?
Wearing #akhmadullina