Мы получили дополнительную поставку актуальных моделей сезона, поэтому снова в наличии: пуховики оверсайз и на кнопках, двусторонние пуховики и двусторонние куртки, а также свободные и утепленные куртки. Сейчас на все эти модели действуют скидки от 15 до 30%. Уточнить цену, наличие размера и цвета можно во всех фирменных магазинах, на сайте shuclothes.com или по телефону 8 800 600 39 06.
We have received an additional supply of the current models of the season, so we are back in stock: oversized and buttoned down jackets, reversible down jackets, reversible jackets, as well as loose and insulated jackets. Now all these models have discounts from 15 to 30%. You can check prices and the availability of sizes and colors in all brand stores, on the website shuclothes.com or by calling 8 800 600 39 06.
We have received an additional supply of the current models of the season, so we are back in stock: oversized and buttoned down jackets, reversible down jackets, reversible jackets, as well as loose and insulated jackets. Now all these models have discounts from 15 to 30%. You can check prices and the availability of sizes and colors in all brand stores, on the website shuclothes.com or by calling 8 800 600 39 06.